Amigurumi Hedgehog With Blue Bowtie Free Pattern • The Art of Amıgurumı

Amigurumi Hedgehog With Blue Bowtie Free Pattern

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What does amigurumi means?
The word Amigurumi comes from Japanese. The Japanese call handicrafts knitted with crochet and needle as Ami. The Japanese call the toys that are filled with objects such as fibers or cotton as Nuigurumi. The word Amigurumi is derived as a combination of these two words.

Amigurumi knitting techniques are very easy. You can find many handcrafts prepared with these techniques on my site. What is Amigurumi for beginners in Amigurumi handwork? How to knit amigurumi? In this blog, where you can find the answers to the questions with pictures, you will be able to learn about Amigurumi in all details.

I share in this blog are amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs, amigurumi fish, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi parrot, amigurumi giraffe, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi bunnies, amigurumi cows, amigurumi sheeps, amigurumi bees, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi snakes, amigurumi mice, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi pumpkins, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi owls, amigurumi cartoon characters, amigurumi twetters, amigurumi caterpillars and more …

Also I’m sharing new amigurumi free patterns every day.
Todays daily new amigurumi free crochet pattern is Dog
I want to give you some informations about this pattern;

Author Papook
Required materials and tools:

  1. Yarn – half cotton 50g / 160m (jeans) # 48 sand,
    No. 17 blue, yarn art Samba No. K-64.
  2. Filler (synthetic winterizer, synthetic fluff or
  3. Hook number 2.
  4. Sewing needle, scissors, pins, marker
    for knitting.
  5. Safety eyes 5 mm.
  6. A little black thread for embroidery.

KA – amigurumi ring
sc – single crochet
pr – an increase (2 sbn are knitted in one loop)
ub – decrease (2 sb linked together)
vp – air loop
ss – connecting post
ssn – a column with one crochet
(…) – the number in brackets means the number of loops
in a row
(…) * X – repeat X times indicated in brackets
The size of the toy is 13 cm.


  1. 6 ka
  2. 6 ave (12)
  3. pr. 4 sbn. 2 pr. 4 sbn. pr. (16)
  4. 6 PRS 4 pr. 6 sbn. (twenty)
  5. for z.s. 20 PRS
  6. 6 PRS 4 ub 6 PRS (sixteen)
  7. 6 PRS 2 ub 6 PRS (14)
  8. 2 PRS pr. (1 sbn. pr.) * 5, 1 sbn. (twenty)
  9. (2 sbn. Pr.) * 6, 2 sbn (16)
    right leg
  10. 6 ka
  11. 6 ave (12)
  12. pr. 4 sbn. 2 pr. 4 sbn. pr. (16)
  13. 6 PRS 4 pr. 6 sbn. (twenty)
  14. for z.s. 20 PRS
  15. 6 PRS 4 ub 6 PRS (sixteen)
  16. 6 PRS 2 ub 6 PRS (14)
  17. (1 sbn. Pr.) * 6, 2 sbn. (twenty)
  18. (2 sbn. Pr.) * 6, 2 sbn (26)
    We do not cut the thread, we continue to knit.
  19. dial a chain of 1 VP. and attach it
    on the first leg where you finished knitting.
    Further 26 PRS. 1 sbn on vp., 26 sbn. 1 sbn on vp. (54)
    11-16. 54 PRS (6 rows)
  20. (7 sbn ub.) * 6 (48)
    18-21. 48 PRS (4 rows)
    22.3 sbn. (6 sbn.ub) * 5, 3 sbn (42)
    23-25. 42 PRS 3 rows)
  21. (5 sbn.ub.) * 6 (36)
    27-29. 36 PRS (3 rows)
    30.2 sbn.ub. (4 sbn.ub.) * 5, 2 sbn (30)
    31-33. 30 PRS. (3 rows)
  22. (3 PRS. UB) * 6 (24)
    35.24 PRS.
    36.1 PRS. ub (2 sbn ub) * 5, 1 sbn (18)
  23. (1 sbn ub) * 6 (12)
    Pull off the hole, hide the thread.

8 ka
2-8. 8 PRS (7 rows)

In the amigurumi ring we knit 3 sbn., Turn
knitting, 3 pr. ss (6 sbn). Pull off the ring, leave
thread for sewing.

In the amigurumi ring – 3 VP. 3 PRS, 3 VP. ss. 3 vp. 3
ssn, 3 vp. ss. Pull off the ring, wind a few
times in the middle with the same thread.

Use pins to mark the border of the skin, knit
air loops all over the back. Eyes

insert between 25-26 rows at a distance of 6
sbn. Sew on the nose, eyebrows. Bow
in the middle, on the 20th row. The handles are located
on the sides, too, on the 20th row, at a distance of 16-17
sbn. The ears are sewn on 28-30 rows, at a distance

14-15 PRS.
Congratulations, your hedgehog is ready! Hopefully
You liked to knit it. I will wait
Your hedgehogs!


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