Pattern by: aysegokgoz Materials Alize Cotton Gold 56 – Red Alize Cotton Gold 60 – Black Crochet Hook Number 3, 2.20mm Scissors Keychain materials (a
Yıl: 2021

Pattern by: aysegokgoz Materials Gazzal Baby Cotton knitting yarns; White (3432) Dark Blue (3431) Light Blue (3423) Black (3433) Fiber Crochet: 1.50 mm Key holder

#amigurumi #freepattern #freepatternamigurumi #crochettoppattern #crochet #crochetpattern #amigurumibunny #crochetbunny What does amigurumi means?The word Amigurumi comes from Japanese. The Japanese call handicrafts knitted with crochet and

#amigurumi #freepattern #freepatternamigurumi #crochettoppattern #crochet #crochetpattern #amigurumisnail #crochetsnail What does amigurumi means?The word Amigurumi comes from Japanese. The Japanese call handicrafts knitted with crochet and

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#amigurumi #freepattern #freepatternamigurumi #crochettoppattern #crochet #crochetpattern #amigurumielephant#crochetelephant What does amigurumi means?The word Amigurumi comes from Japanese. The Japanese call handicrafts knitted with crochet and needle

#amigurumi #freepattern #freepatternamigurumi #crochettoppattern #crochet #crochetpattern #amigurumidoll #crochetdoll What does amigurumi means?The word Amigurumi comes from Japanese. The Japanese call handicrafts knitted with crochet and

#amigurumi #freepattern #freepatternamigurumi #crochettoppattern #crochet #crochetpattern #amigurumiturtle #crochetturtle What does amigurumi means?The word Amigurumi comes from Japanese. The Japanese call handicrafts knitted with crochet and

#amigurumi #freepattern #freepatternamigurumi #crochettoppattern #crochet #crochetpattern #amigurumireindeer #crochetreindeer What does amigurumi means?The word Amigurumi comes from Japanese. The Japanese call handicrafts knitted with crochet and

#amigurumi #freepattern #freepatternamigurumi #crochettoppattern #crochet #crochetpattern #amigurumiwitch #crochetwitch What does amigurumi means?The word Amigurumi comes from Japanese. The Japanese call handicrafts knitted with crochet and